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Stories Tagged with "biomedical engineering" from 2014

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2016 - 6 stories
2015 - 9 stories
2014 - 14 stories
2013 - 37 stories
2012 - 29 stories
2011 - 19 stories
Dr. Irving Pressley McPhail, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. (NACME) presented the first recipient of the Pressley and Mauise Vinson McPhail/NACME Scholarship with a check for $5,000 during the NACME 40th Anniversary Awards Dinner and Celebration at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City, on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. >>
NJIT's biomedical engineering graduate program has been ranked 10th in the nation by, an online college guide that bases its annual rankings on student ratings and reviews. >>
In an impressive showing for a single university, NJIT students recently presented eight separate research papers at the annual conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), the largest biomedical engineering conference in the world. >>
Watch NJIT's Tara Alvarez on One-on-One with Steve Adubato for a closer look at convergence insufficiency—an eye movement disorder diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence—and its impact on the brain. >>
When cognitive neuroscientists were first mapping the brain two decades ago, they focused on the regions that were activated when people performed different tasks, such as tapping fingers or watching a movie. They filtered out what was considered “background noise,” the low-frequency fluctuations originating from biological operations like heart beat and respiration. >>
Megan Guidry is by her own estimation “an adventurous person.” She decided on NJIT following a single snowy visit her senior year of high school, unfazed by the more than 1,000 miles between home in Baton Rouge, La. and college in Newark. >>
Namas Chandra, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the Center for Injury Bio-mechanics, Materials, and Medicine, will discuss his traumatic brain injury research on Caucus: Up Close. Program dates are scheduled for 5/24 (NJTV, 12 p.m.); 5/24 (Thirteen, 12:30 p.m.); 5/25 (NJTV, 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.); 5/27 (NJTV, 5:30 a.m. and WHYY, 5:30 p.m.). >>
Vanessa Espinal '14 and David "Nic" Thibodeaux '14 addressed scholarship donors and many other students who benefit from their generosity at the 26th annual Scholarship Brunch.  >>
Each year, NJIT honors students who have worked to enhance campus life. This year, 11 students received 2014 Highlander Student Achievement Awards, which recognized their leadership roles on campus. >>
Preventing bone deterioration is a critical aspect of combating osteoporosis, improving bone implants, and even making long-term space flight possible, such as voyages to Mars and beyond. On April 9, noted biomedical researcher Stephen C. Cowin will describe a promising model for studying nutrient transport from the vascular system to bone tissue, transport that has a direct bearing on the prevention of bone loss. >>
Namas Chandra, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the Center for Injury Bio-mechanics, Materials, and Medicine, will present “Computer modeling methodology in the simulation of due to blasts and impact brain injuries” on March 25 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in GITC 1403. >>
Listen to Namas Chandra, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the Center for Injury Bio-mechanics, Materials, and Medicine, discuss traumatic brain injuries on Caucus Up Close.  >>